• Connected Accounts Feature – A new area to contain the settings for adding new integrations within Rootshell.

  • Jira Integration – Users now have the ability to export Rootshell issues to their Jira instance for tracking purposes. This is a bi-directional service that will show the last known status of a Jira issue in Rootshell. Once the issue has been moved to the Resolution column within Jira, it will set the issue as Remediated within Rootshell automatically.

  • Service Now Integration – Users now have the ability to export Rootshell issues to their Service Now instance for tracking purposes. This is a bi-directional service that will show the last known status of a Service Now incident in Rootshell. Once the issue has been set to the Resolved or Closed status within Service Now, it will set the issue as Remediated within Rootshell automatically.

  • Json Export – Phases and Scans can be exported to a JSON format, this is an expanded version of the Spreadsheet export and when imported into another phase will represent a 1-1 view of that existing phase or scans issues.

  • Rootshell Hotkeys – Hotkey shortcuts between Issues have now been removed.

  • Host Status – When viewing a host, the status now represents the state between an issue and a host and not the issue as a whole.

  • Text Areas – All text areas within Rootshell are now vertically resizable.

  • User Listings – User lists within filterable and form areas are now sorted alphabetically.

  • Spreadsheets – Spreadsheet imports and exports have the additional field of “Confirmed At”. This is the date the issue was found and published. When importing a Confirmed At field Rootshell will use that date as the source of truth when publishing within Rootshell.

  • Secure File Exchange (SFE) Update – Users can now edit the Title, Description, and the Users that the file is shared with. The items displayed within the SFE are now ordered by created date descending.

  • Add/Remove Comments – Add additional ACL Rule for adding or removing comments to Projects, Phases, Issues and Hosts.

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