At Rootshell Security, we are continuously seeking ways to advance our cybersecurity tools and methodologies. We are excited to unveil a significant enhancement to our platform: the integration of the MITRE ATT&CK framework into our red team assessment reporting. This innovative feature is set to transform how we understand, report, and address cybersecurity threats.


The Power of the MITRE ATT&CK® Framework

The MITRE ATT&CK framework is renowned for its comprehensive mapping of adversary tactics and techniques. By integrating this framework into our platform, we provide our clients with a structured and detailed analysis of vulnerabilities, aligned with globally recognized cybersecurity measures. This integration brings several key enhancements to our services:

  • Alignment with MITRE ATT&CK Tactics: Our reports now reflect a deep alignment with specific tactics from the MITRE ATT&CK framework, enhancing the relevance and actionability of the insights we provide.
  • Bespoke Project View Layout: We have introduced a tailored layout that clearly details the MITRE tactics linked to identified vulnerabilities, ensuring clarity and comprehensibility.
  • Visual MITRE ATT&CK Matrix Overlay: This feature offers a visual representation of vulnerabilities mapped directly onto the MITRE ATT&CK matrix, highlighting critical areas that require attention.
  • Targeted Improvement Recommendations: Our platform not only identifies vulnerabilities but also guides remediation efforts by pinpointing specific areas within the MITRE ATT&CK matrix that need strategic enhancements.
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By utilising the Threat Journey view, clients can be clear what areas of the framework affects them in a very clear and concise way.

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For those that prefer to see a visual representation of how an assessment maps and how the attack chain flows, the matrix view is dynamically updated as the test progresses and is clear and intuitive to ease the understanding for the client. Users can also reduce the noise by seeing a filtered view with just the tactics and techniques that applied to them.

Expert Insights

Shaun Peapell, VP of Global Threat Services at Rootshell Security, emphasizes the impact of this integration: “With this evolutionary jump, our clients can now make sense of their security data in unprecedented ways. By mapping real-world attack scenarios directly to MITRE ATT&CK tactics, we empower our clients to proactively strengthen their defenses, ensuring they are always one step ahead of potential threats.”

From our Head of Product:

“I’m thrilled about the integration of the MITRE ATT&CK framework into our platform. This enhancement goes beyond advancing technology—it transforms our approach to cybersecurity. By providing a structured, strategic perspective to vulnerability management, we equip our clients with the tools to not only react to threats but to proactively fortify their defenses,” says Jon Bellard.

The integration of the MITRE ATT&CK framework into the Rootshell Security platform is more than just an update—it’s a paradigm shift in how we conduct red team assessments and manage cybersecurity threats. If you’re looking to elevate your cybersecurity strategy with the next generation of assessment and reporting capabilities, look no further than the Rootshell Security platform.

Discover the future of Red Team assessments with the Rootshell Security platform. Contact us today to learn how you can harness the power of MITRE ATT&CK integration for your organization.

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