Penetration Testing as a Service

Maintain and improve your security posture year-round with penetration testing as a service – an ongoing, real-time, and holistic security strategy, offering greater protection against cyber threats.

Penetration Testing as a Service with Rootshell Security
2024 Accreditations

What is PTaaS or Penetration Testing as a Service?

Annual security testing is no longer sufficient to defend against ever-evolving cyber threats. PTaaS goes beyond mere scanning and testing, integrating seamlessly with your existing security program. It combines these tools with the expertise of seasoned security professionals, who perform in-depth analysis, providing richer insights than automated tools alone.

Gartner’s definition: “PTaaS providers deliver penetration testing (pentesting) services by combining automated tools and human expertise. Security and risk management leaders must evaluate the benefits of “as-a-service” offerings alongside traditional pentesting to determine the best choice or mix for their organization.”

Rootshell’s Pentesting as a Service and our PTaaS Model

We offer penetration tests, managed vulnerability scanning (MVS), attack surface management (ASM) and red team assessments as part of a combined PTaaS security package. This is offered as a 12-month contract and as part of that, you will receive your results and data through The Rootshell Platform. Read more about red team services in cyber security.

Our packages are tailored to meet you and your team’s objectives, risk appetite, and budget. Below, you can see an example of a fully managed PTaaS package. We can help you choose the services that best fit your organisation.

penetration testing as a service - ptaas - security package

The Benefits of PTaaS for Your Business

Bolster your security strategy and ensure year-round protection with Penetration Testing as a Service (PTaaS).

  • Year-round protection: A lot can happen between annual penetration tests. Our Pentest as a Service tests your digital infrastructure year-round, so you can ensure your security posture is maintained and improved on an ongoing basis.
  • Prepare for a real-world attack: Penetration tests are one of the most effective ways to evaluate your security posture. By emulating the tactics, techniques, procedures used by hackers, our services truly put your organisation’s defences to the test.
  • Uncover critical vulnerabilities: As the risk of cyber attacks continues to increase, it’s crucial you have complete visibility of your organisation’s vulnerabilities by leveraging on-demand pentest services. Our Pen Testing as a Service identifies any vulnerabilities, from low to high risk, so you can take action.
  • Effectively remediate risk: Penetration Testing as a Service provides you with the data you need to resolve vulnerabilities. Our penetration testers offer expert support so you can remediate as quickly and effectively as possible.
  • Comply with security standards: Carrying out penetration testing is essential for meeting a number of different regulatory standards. Our CREST-certified penetration testers provide the expert guidance needed to help successfully remediate issues and keep your organisation secure, ensuring compliance with industry standards.

Remediate Critical Risks Faster Than Ever Before with our PTaaS Platform

Rootshell’s Platform is a vendor-agnostic vulnerability management solution that puts you at the centre of your IT security ecosystem. Consolidate assessment results, accelerate remediation from start to finish, automate rules and gain real-time insight into your ever-changing threat landscape.

Why Rootshell Security?

We’re proud to be a trusted provider of PTaaS for some of the UK’s largest organisations. We combine the best of innovative technology with the irreplaceable insights of seasoned professionals to offer bespoke, effective cybersecurity solutions through our platform, seamlessly integrating traditional penetration testing into your security program.

  • Powered by our platform: You will receive your PTaaS data through Rootshell’s Platform, which accelerates and streamlines every remediation workflow through automation, to help you resolve critical issues faster than ever before.
  • CREST-certified pen testing: CREST is an internationally recognized accreditation for penetration testing services. Our CREST-certified testers work to the highest technical and ethical standards.
  • Quality assured: We deliver Penetration Testing as a Service to industry standards, such as Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) guidelines, the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST), and the Penetration Testing Execution Standard (PTES).
  • Expert advice and support: Our highly experienced testers provide you with expert guidance and support throughout. You will receive clear reports and advice, along with step-by-step instructions, ensuring you know exactly how to remediate and reduce risk, prioritized by actionable insights from our security experts.
  • Remote penetration testing: Our pen testing devices enable our testers to remotely access your organisation from our secure Security Operation Centre (SOC). This allows your organisation to operate as normal whilst we carry out your PTaaS.

Frequently Asked Questions

Penetration testing services, also known as pentesting services, assess an organisation’s networks, systems, and applications for security weaknesses. Our pentesting services safely utilise the same methods as real-world threat actors to identify vulnerabilities before they can be exploited; vulnerabilities that could otherwise lead to security breaches. Our CREST-certified penetration testers provide the expert guidance needed to help successfully remediate issues and keep your organisation secure.

Rootshell Security’s Penetration Testing as a Service (PTaaS) provides penetration tests, managed vulnerability scanning (MVS), attack surface management (ASM), and red team assessments as part of a combined, continuous security solution. This is offered as a 12 month contract, tailored to your organisation. PTaaS is a highly effective way of ensuring you maintain a strong security posture year-round, rather than relying on an annual penetration test.

It is a 12-month contract with flexible billing options (monthly/annually).

We deliver PTaaS through The Rootshell Platform, which accelerates and streamlines our clients’ remediation processes, data and the delivery of our services. This includes a live feed of vulnerabilities, a dashboard of key insights into your security posture, collaboration tools, a centralised location for all your results, and much more. Learn more about our Platform.

We can perform penetration testing services on a range of systems, including but not limited to: web applications, mobile applications, wireless networks, operating systems, hardware devices, and firewalls.

Yes. We can deploy a remote penetration testing box to your site, which enables our testers to remotely access your organisation from our SOC. Our testers can then carry out Penetration Testing as a Service as though they were on-site.

We use a wide range of established and emerging malicious threat actor techniques to carry out your Penetration Testing as a Service.

A penetration test simulates a real-world attack on your organisation’s network, applications, and systems to identify any weaknesses. A pen test is conducted by skilled consultants, who use the same techniques as real-word hackers; you can think of it as ‘ethical hacking’. On the other hand, vulnerability scanning is carried out using automated tools and solely focuses on identifying vulnerabilities within software, unlike traditional penetration testing performed by a security team. Find out more about vulnerability and penetration testing services or vulnerability management as a service.