We’re delighted to bring you exciting news about the forthcoming release of The Rootshell Platform, scheduled for the end of August. Our devoted team has been busily working away behind the scenes to incorporate what we’ve termed the One Ecosystem architecture. This forward-thinking approach will enhance our DevOps and maintenance processes, ultimately fostering Rootshell’s scalability and expansion

A Seamless Transition for Our Client

For those pondering the implications for current Rootshell users – rest assured. While we’re making considerable changes to our infrastructure, the user experience will remain largely untouched, save for one significant alteration: the Rootshell URL.

The access point to Rootshell is about to evolve. The existing URL, prism.rootshellsecurity.net, and for our channel partners Rootshell., will soon be replaced with a new format to contain: .prism-platform.com.

If you are using Single Sign-On (SSO) to login to Rootshell, please take note that you will need to update your SSO services to include this new URL domain.

The Reasoning Behind the URL Transformation

You may ask, why change the URL? The answer lies in our commitment to deliver an efficient platform to our users. The shift to this domain prefix structure aligns with our aim in two essential aspects:

  1. Scalability: The new URL structure enables us to effectively manage a higher number of Rootshell instances, all sharing a single application codebase. This means that as we grow and support more clients and suppliers, the fundamental operations of Rootshell remain swift and reliable.
  2. Efficient Access: The revised URL system simplifies users’ navigation. Instead of navigating between multiple Rootshell instances as before, users can now access those instances and tenants within a single application URL.

In conclusion, this transformation lays the groundwork for our ambitious vision of growth, whilst maintaining the smooth, user-friendly experience that our clients value. As we gear up for this exciting transition, an official communication will shortly reach all Rootshell clients to ensure everyone is well-prepared for the change.

At Rootshell, we believe that evolution is key to better serving our clients. We remain committed to ongoing innovation, providing solutions that shape the future of efficient and scalable system architecture. As always, we’re on hand to answer any queries about these changes and are eagerly anticipating embarking on this journey together.

Stay tuned for more updates, and let’s embrace the future of Rootshell together!

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