At Rootshell Security, we are committed to empowering our channel partners with the most advanced tools and capabilities in cybersecurity. We are delighted to announce a significant enhancement to our platform—the integration of the MITRE ATT&CK framework into our red team assessment reporting. This addition is designed to elevate the cybersecurity services our partners can provide, enhancing both the depth and strategic value of client engagements.


Overview of the MITRE ATT&CK® Framework

The MITRE ATT&CK framework is globally recognized for its detailed and actionable insights into adversary tactics and techniques. By integrating this framework with our platform, we offer a comprehensive method to analyse vulnerabilities within a structured, tactical context. This integration features:

  • Alignment with MITRE ATT&CK Framework: Ensures that assessments reflect specific, recognized tactics, enriching the depth and relevance of vulnerability reports.
  • Bespoke RedTeam Project View Layout: Provides a tailored layout detailing the MITRE tactics associated with identified vulnerabilities, aiding contextual understanding and strategic planning.
  • Visual MITRE ATT&CK Matrix Overlay: Utilizes a visual tool to map out vulnerabilities on the MITRE ATT&CK matrix, clearly highlighting critical security gaps.
  • Targeted Improvement Recommendations: Delivers actionable advice by pinpointing areas within the matrix that require immediate attention, guiding remediation efforts effectively.
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Benefits for Partners

Integrating the MITRE ATT&CK framework into your service offerings through our platform provides several key advantages:

  • Enhanced Service Offerings: Elevate your analytical capabilities to deliver more detailed insights and strategic value, moving beyond basic vulnerability identification.
  • Increased Client Engagement: Produce detailed and visually appealing reports that enhance client understanding and satisfaction, demonstrating the thoroughness and strategic depth of your assessments.
  • Streamlined Assessments: Automate parts of the analysis process, enabling your team to focus more on crafting and implementing strategic cybersecurity defenses.

How to Use:

Channel partners can access this powerful feature through projects designated as “Red Team Assessment.” The new project view and visual matrix overlay are readily available tools within these projects, offering immediate and actionable insights to enhance your assessments.

The integration of the MITRE ATT&CK framework into the Rootshell Security platform marks a transformative advancement in cybersecurity assessment capabilities. This feature empowers our partners to deliver not only remediation but also robust, strategic enhancements to client defenses against sophisticated cyber threats. Leverage this new capability to differentiate and elevate your cybersecurity services in the competitive market.

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